The Universe Wants To Make YOUR Dreams Come True! Here's How To Take Advantage

Has anybody ever told you "The Universe isn't a wish-granting factory?" I've heard these words, though I can't recall where. Growing up my father encouraged me to dream big. I could do ANYTHING I set my mind to. If I committed, I could make anything happen.

Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of this. A lot of us do. As adults, we lose our belief in magic, and we cease to believe that magic can happen for us.

The world teaches us that the only path to attaining what we want the most is hard work and sacrifice. We might even adopt an attitude of punitiveness: We don't have what we want because we're not good enough, haven't worked hard enough, weren't born into the right family.

Here's the thing: Magic IS real. You ARE good enough. You CAN have what you want.

("Magic" is a complicated word. You may perceive it as "miracles" or "coincidence" but it boils down to the same thing. Call it whatever makes YOU comfortable!)

The Universe Is A Wish-Granting Factory: How To Set The Cogs In Motion
Your wishes can come true if you trust the Wish-Granting Factory!
(Source CC BY)

The Universe IS A Wish-Granting Factory

This is the big secret everybody who has experienced it wants you to know: You can have whatever you want! The Universe will supply it for you without the kind of hard work and sacrifice you've become accustomed to. 

You've experienced this Law of Attraction in the past -- I guarantee it! You might have called it "self-fulfilling prophecy" (ever worried so much about something only to have it happen to you?), but I promise you this HAS worked at some point in your life.

The problem is a combination of how the Universe receives your wish, and how you think about yourself. Here are some of the ways you're "wishing" for things you don't actually want. 
  • You replay traumatic moments over and over in your mind. This is a terrible habit of mine, actually. I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and must actively remind myself that what I experience in my mind is something which happened in the PAST, not a warning that it's going to happen again.
  • You think in the negative. You worry more about how to avoid catching a cold than you do about how to stay healthy. If your thoughts are negative, they keep you fixated on the thing you don't want. Instead of "I hope my car doesn't slide on the ice!" reframe your thinking: "How can I get to my destination safely?"
  • You believe you deserve less than you do. Let me stress (because it can't be said often enough): You deserve no less than the best of everything you've ever wanted. If you remain trapped in your mind, thinking you deserve less than others, you're always going to get less than you deserve. You're wishing for it, in fact!
  • You're focused on the path, rather than the destination. If you think more about how you're going to get from point A to point B, the Universe will receive your wish as "to remain on this path" and you will be caught in an endless cycle of trying to reach your destination -- instead of actually reaching it! 
  • Your wishes aren't clear or quantifiable. The Dreams (capital D!) you focus on should be about something you want to HAVE, not something you want to DO. Doing is the path, so focus on something tangible the Universe can give you. You might wish to HAVE your driver's license rather than to PASS your driver's test. 
  • You don't trust the Universe or yourself. Trust plays a tremendous part in making the magic happen. If you don't (or can't) trust yourself, you aren't open to your wish being granted. Follow through on your commitments and build trust in yourself. If you say you will do something, follow through and build self-trust!
Here's the most wonderful thing about this Law of Attraction: You don't have to BELIEVE for it to work! You just have to follow the process and avoid negative self-talk and thoughts.

(For example, whether you believe or not, try to focus on what you want, not on your expectation that it won't happen.)

Plant your seeds with the universe and it will grant your wishes, right down to the deepest desires of your heart.
There is only every reason that you should have everything you desire!
(Source CC BY-SA)

How You Can Take Advantage Of The Wish-Granting Factory

Every successful person on earth has, in some way, taken advantage of the Wish-Granting Factory. Nobody was born with more advantages than you have: Yours might be DIFFERENT than theirs, but you have just as many great things going for you as they do.

You can ABSOLUTELY make this work for you. Here are some things you can start doing TODAY to begin the magic happening.

Write Down The Dream

Get your journal out (you DO have a journal, right?) and write down your dream. 

Remember, your dream is something you want to HAVE, not something you want to DO! (It is valid to dream of "having a career in architecture" but try not to dream of "becoming an architect." Your dream should be something concrete, not something which is happening. Avoid continuous tense when writing down your dream!)

Write in detail. Describe every aspect of how having the thing you dream of feels. Imagine (visualize) what it feels like to be part of this. Do people recognize you for your brilliance? How does that make you feel? Do you have a lot of money? How does that make you feel? What will you do with it? Are you part of an organization? How does it feel to be part of a group? 

Consider, and write down, everything about the dream. Use as many senses as you can! What does it look like, taste like, smell like, sound like, feel like? The more you can put yourself in the dream, the better!

Affirm Your Wishes

Think in the affirmative (positive). "I want to be more confident" rather than "I wish I didn't have low self-esteem." 

Your mind (and the Universe) doesn't hear the negation in your statements. It doesn't hear "I don't want to fall down." It hears "I want to fall down." When you fixate on the things you don't want, you attract them because your mind doesn't know the difference. A better way of thinking is "I want to walk steady."

I advise spending some time every day thinking about the things you want the most in life. Affirm them. "I want to own '67 Corvette." Even better, "A '67 Corvette is coming to me. The Universe has my back."

Affirm Yourself

Of all of the things I've learned about the Law of Attraction this year, the MOST IMPORTANT lesson has been to affirm myself. 

"I deserve everything I've ever wanted."

Any self-doubt, any feeling that you deserve less, will block you from receiving messages from your higher self, the Universe, or God (depending on your belief system). 

Spend some time every day reminding yourself "I deserve to be healthy, happy, and fulfilled. I deserve success!" I know how New Age-y this sounds, but it is one of the biggest blocks most people face. We live in a world that taught us from infancy that we were guilty of SOMETHING.

Remind yourself every day "I deserve happiness. I am good enough. I have everything I need to succeed."

(This can also help to keep the impostor syndrome -- and its nasty side effects -- at bay.)

Let Go of Guilt

Most of us are taught to be guilty from the time we're children. We're encouraged to let adults touch us even if we don't want them to (remember being prompted to kiss Old Aunt Maggie even though she smelled funny?), encouraged to be grateful for things we didn't even want ("Don't forget to tell Miss Sally you loved her brownies!")

We often carry guilt over things which happened in the past and which we've failed to release. This guilt can be overwhelming, or it can be something which sits in the back of our minds only to pop up when it's least convenient.

Let go of guilt. If there's something or someone you haven't forgiven, forgive it. Release the fight you had with your grandfather right before he died. Stop feeling bad about the piece of cake you ate last week. Put aside unresolved feelings toward your sister and either cut loose or make amends.

Guilt keeps you stuck in a cycle of punitiveness. You feel you don't deserve to achieve your goals because you feel guilty about something that might have happened years ago.

Forgive, and let go. Remember, it's okay to forgive YOURSELF, too!

Stop Planning

One of the biggest hurdles that most people seem to have when it comes to realizing their dreams relates to PLANNING.

I can speak for those with whom I am closest: Whenever one of us develops a dream, the first question we're asked is "How are you going to do that?" This is often followed with "You need money to make that happen" or "What's the plan?" 

This sort of preemptive planning has a way of causing us to lose trust in ourselves and the Universe. Unless you absolutely know the exact steps to take to get from Point A to Point B (and some people are natural planners, and therefore DO know the exact steps!) let go of planning.

This is particularly true where money is concerned. Thoughts such as "How are you going to buy a home when you have terrible credit?" can immobilize us and they might get us stuck on how we plan to pay off our debts and improve our credit.

The best way to move forward is to step out on faith.

I know this is hard. I spent four years struggling to leave the plan behind, stop focusing on credit, income, and so on. It took me FOUR YEARS to let this go. 

I started project after project, each one "destined" to make me great money. I was never consistent, and nothing moved forward.

This year, I chose the Word of the Year as "Believe." I put my trust in the Universe and stepped out on faith.

Guess what? When I stepped out on faith, I was inspired. Every morning when I write in my journal there are new inspirations for me to write down. 

The best example is this blog. Originally intended to be ancillary, I hoped it would make me money in affiliate marketing. Thanks to the inspiration I received when I stepped out on faith, I am on the road to building this blog into its own business.

And I'm fulfilling my life purpose by inspiring others along the way!

I'd never have thought of this if I'd been trapped in a cycle of planning. Let go, and be inspired!

Build Trust With Yourself

Finally -- and perhaps most importantly -- you need to build trust with yourself.

You don't have to believe in the Law of Attraction for it to work in your life, but it DOES help if you believe in YOURSELF.

I'm not talking about confidence. Not everyone is blessed with it and for those who aren't, it can take time to build. I'm talking about CONSISTENCY.

Commitment is more important than motivation. Anything you want will likely require work from you (I never said you wouldn't have to work, just that the mindset we have to work hard and sacrifice holds us back. Even sacrifice has its place!).

When you learn to trust that you will make good on your promises (including those to yourself), you make magic happen.

If you trust yourself to go to bed at 10 p.m. and wake up at 5 a.m. every night/morning, then why shouldn't you also trust yourself to eat healthier foods? If you can trust yourself to eat healthier foods, then why shouldn't you believe when you trust yourself to reduce your body fat? 

Trust makes magic happen.

When you commit to something, follow through on it. Don't commit to anything you know you won't follow through on.

For example, I am CASUALLY doing a 100 Days of HAED challenge. I haven't COMMITTED to working on my Heaven and Earth Designs project every day, but I'm casually stitching at least a bit every single day. (I'm on day 12.)

I have COMMITTED to writing in my journal every single morning. I have COMMITTED to blogging three times a week.

Every time I perform an action to which I have committed, I build trust with myself. If I say I'm going to do something, I do it. I keep my promises.

So if I promise myself that I'm going to build a successful business via this blog, I will build a successful business via this blog.

The Universe Is A Wish-Granting Factory! How To Take Advantage Of Its Gifts
You can take advantage of the wish-granting factory! Make sure to share with your friends!
(Source CC BY)

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